Wednesday, December 12, 2007

As a way of showing our appreciation, the Young Life committee delivered poinsettias to all the people who hosted tables at our Young Life fish fry.

People would light up like we were walking in with roses. Poinsettias are pretty and they have the power to make people happy; or more accurately it should be said that showing gratitude has the power to make people happy.

Thank you to our 2007 Fish Fry table hosts:

Mike and Diane Probst
Garry and Deidra Cate
Ron and Bobbi Wagoner
Herb and Patti Jahn
Al and Sue Karcher
Melodee and Robert Fields
John and Debbie Jackson
Nicole Soto
Bootsie and Lesa Larsen
Rick and Sandy Stanley
Wayne Johnson
Ted and Bonnie Williams
Fred and Marion Beeler
Dana and George Taggart
Cheryl and Bill Wilson
Sharon McKinney
Tom and Donna Pazera
De and Suzan McLallen
Julie Lynch/Cat
Van and Pat Johnson
Dina & Cody Hill

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