Monday, September 01, 2008

This Year at Camp - by Shane Sampson

This year I got on the bus and headed to Jasper, Georgia with two groups of high school students. One group had been involved in YL all year, participating in club and our weekly bible study called Campaigners. These kids were familiar with the gospel and most had already made a profession of their faith. The other group wasn’t as familiar with the truths we promote; therefore, camp was their first introduction.

It took about 24 hours in a loving, Christ centered environment before these two groups became one. This group of campers enjoyed each others’ company, learned from each other during cabin time, and bonded in a special way. Imagine my joy at being awakened in the middle of the night by the sound of 12 high school boys singing the fun songs from club and then bursting out in laughter.

Our time at camp ended with 4 campers coming to know God in a personal way. All the students are excited about Young Life in Rockport and want to help get their friends involved. Seven seniors are signing on as senior leaders. One camper will go to college locally and help as a volunteer leader throughout the year.

With the price of gas rising so high, getting to camp this year had its challenges. I would like to thank all those donors who sponsored kids and committee members in the Bowl-a-Thon. The proceeds from that event helped pay the transportation costs. There are also many who gave scholarship money. I am so thankful. Your kindness and love for high school kids is apparent in your giving.

In addition to my thanks, please accept an early invitation to our Young Life celebration fish fry on November 10. Come see these kids for yourself as we celebrate them, you (our donors), and our 10th anniversary of YL in Rockport. The program will be totally focused on the kids that you so graciously have supported.

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