Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Community Table

The Community Table is a place where people in Rockport can get a hot meal every Tuesday evening at the First Presbyterian Church. Local churches rotate each week by serving as hosts for the evening.

Young Life kids and the local YL committee join ranks one Tuesday to cook for and serve people at the Community Table. Right at 90 people were served.

Our menu included: lasagna, bread, salad, cupcakes and tea.
Clean up was a breeze!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

As a way of showing our appreciation, the Young Life committee delivered poinsettias to all the people who hosted tables at our Young Life fish fry.

People would light up like we were walking in with roses. Poinsettias are pretty and they have the power to make people happy; or more accurately it should be said that showing gratitude has the power to make people happy.

Thank you to our 2007 Fish Fry table hosts:

Mike and Diane Probst
Garry and Deidra Cate
Ron and Bobbi Wagoner
Herb and Patti Jahn
Al and Sue Karcher
Melodee and Robert Fields
John and Debbie Jackson
Nicole Soto
Bootsie and Lesa Larsen
Rick and Sandy Stanley
Wayne Johnson
Ted and Bonnie Williams
Fred and Marion Beeler
Dana and George Taggart
Cheryl and Bill Wilson
Sharon McKinney
Tom and Donna Pazera
De and Suzan McLallen
Julie Lynch/Cat
Van and Pat Johnson
Dina & Cody Hill

Monday, November 12, 2007

Fish Fry Fundraiser 2007

For the second year in a row Rockport Young Life has opted for a Fish Fry fundraiser instead of the traditional dessert or banquet fundraiser. Local men and women begin fishing months in advance to fed as many as 175 guests. Committee members and friends of Young Life rally to fry fish for the hungry crowd.

Young Life students act as parking attendants, ushers, waiters and waitresses all in an effort to serve those community members who generously support this mission.

Waiting here for their assignments.

Thursday, August 09, 2007

A Word From Shane About Camp

Hey Folks,

As you know, June 1st Cyndea and I loaded up on a bus with 18 high school students and headed for “the best week of our lives” in the rolling hills and mountains of Northern Georgia. SharpTop Cove is one of Young Life’s premiere camps but after a LONG 22 hour bus ride some sleeping bags on a patch of grass would have been just fine. We were ready to get off that bus and have some fun.

The week started off immediately with fun days filled with swimming, blobbing, zip lines and warm sunny afternoons. Every night we attended “club” where all the kids come together to sing songs and watch skits. At the end of every club the Gospel was presented in small doses and before the week was over the kids heard about God’s love for them from Creation to Calvary.

The man assigned the task of telling the beautiful story of God’s love was an ex New York City police detective. “Uncle Bill” as he likes to be called drew on his fascinating life experiences to share the exciting news of Jesus in a way our kids could identify.

Our nights ended in cabin where we sat and talk about the Jesus they had heard about in club. The questions our students asked this year were great. It was so rewarding for me to have high schools students on this trip who already knew Jesus and were eager to help lead thier friends to the foot of the cross.

Of the 18 attending this summer, we had 5 appropriate what Christ had done for them on the cross and determine to live as a believer.
It was an amazing trip.

Thank you for all your support and prayer,
Shane Sampson

Monday, April 30, 2007

YL Yard Sale Update

Rockport Young Life donors and friends really stepped up to the plate when it came to donating items for our yard sale. The response was so overwhelming that there was no room to contain it all, and for that we are truly grateful.
Committee members, community volunteers and high school kids worked the Thursday and Friday night before the sale pricing and setting up.
Friday night presented a problem in that we had to set up for the next day and leave it out all night ready to go. To prevent pillaging, Shane and 4 Young Life kids "camped" out on mattress (donated to the sale) guarding the stuff all night.
Saturday morning came very early and barrage of buyers bought enough from our yard sale to earn us a remarkable $2,500.00. What a great day!
Rockport high school students are still working hard to earn their way to camp. If you, or a friend, need any assistance in your home or yard consider hiring out our motivated crew. Contact Shane Sampson to work out the details.